• The Latest News on Dogecoin’s Building Block, Libdogecoin

  • Libdogecoin, the building component used to create Dogecoin projects, is getting new updates. Libdogecoin v 0.1.1 is progressing well, according to Dogecoin core developer Michi Lumin.

    Better memory cleanup, improved compatibility, a simpler build method, and more “no rocket science degree necessary” support of HD address derivation will be added to Libdogecoin v.0.1. According to the Dogecoin developer, the emphasis will stay on basic implementation.

    The initial release of Libdogecoin v.0.1 in August, a C library of Dogecoin building blocks that enables lightweight direct integration of Dogecoin into a variety of platforms without requiring developers to have in-depth blockchain understanding.

    The usefulness derived from adoption through integration is the Dogecoin Foundation’s primary focus. This is thought to be accomplished by exploiting Dogecoin’s basic functionality and making it available as a simple C library with bindings for various languages, hence increasing the community’s creative potential.

    Over the last six months, the Dogecoin Foundation has focused on establishing the groundwork for a number of projects, including RadioDoge and GigaWallet aimed at grassroots adoption.

    This is significant because, following Ethereum’s move to proof-of-stake, Dogecoin became the second-largest proof-of-work blockchain by market capitalization. Meme coin is presently worth $8 billion. With a market capitalization of approximately $380 billion, Bitcoin is currently the largest proof-of-work blockchain.

    MyDoge wallet teases the release of “DogeTV”

    MyDoge wallet, a self-custody wallet, previews the arrival of “DogeTV,” according to a post by Dogecoin developer inevitable360. There were few details available regarding “DogeTV” at the time of publication, but it is expected to provide Dogecoin users with access to the most recent neighborhood news.

    Dogecoin just launched a new website with various improvements including the addition of “Dogepedia,” which tries to remove FUD.

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